Sunday, June 21, 2020

My Serendipity

Lilt my steps on the dusty hollow
I traced my gentle fingers swiftly
Rummaging around to brush off my sorrow
and there were you
In the moment of ephiphany

A gentle soul I see
as fragile and demure
filling my pity heart, felicity
As I then see, you
re just what I ought to be

I touched the pattern of your scars
to find me, being mirrored, it's bizarre
who would have thought 
An effervescent soul would conflate along with a soul of languour

You and I, we made a pact
to engrave the road ahead with faith
though nothing last in eternity 
Glad to see you, my serendipity 

Erstwhile happiness

You came in as quiet and brought in a pristine breath
I reached for your cold hands, too cold for me to welcome
whilst you say your name, almost whispery
You smiled gently as you brushed your long hair
behind your wide but small girly shoulder

Days went ahead
leaving me and my new graceful roommate
together in the room now called ours
being outdoor, often I pick my seat beside you
eager, your mind shall I explore

I found your quietness isn't as intimidating
back to when the door of my room first opened
now your laughter filled the space
your grace soften the drought air
your presence starts to fill the void
and your company gets more significant than others'

You gifted me with the erstwhile happiness
became my silhouette for every careful step
leading me to my own ill-fated ending
that would eventually pull you away from me
and tear the pages we drew together
along the journey we took
breaking us apart unknowingly

For what it's worth
despite the ineffable sore
I grant me an erstwhile happiness
by reaching to you
to those once, cold hands 

 P;s - Atq Thoyr

Tuesday, August 20, 2019



That's the first word that I could think of the moment I see your smile

That one minute smile
Why, a lovely, loveable person I see
That free me from the twisted thoughts
Released me from the unsolvable knots
For once, you made me refuse my isolated spots
Oh, how could I not

I see sparks shimmering around me
and the lights that shined pointed at your hand that reached towards me
I could feel the colours of my face were revived
The breeze that blows the air into my soul from looking at your eyes
Kept me waiting every single night for the sun to rise
To see that eyes
I was happy

Or so I thought

Alas, as I started to grow fond of the idea of us
as I was just about to lay back comfortably
I suddenly lost sight of you
my feet are glued to the floor
and all of my sadness is coming, slamming at the door
and all my bright days turned blue whilst I'm looking for you
Even the skies that used to be watching
feel so far to reach to
What am I supposed to do?

What am I supposed to do


Hoping that this is just another nightmare passing through
waiting for me to wake up and be comforted by you
waiting for you to whisper to me "this isn't true"
and once again it would be just me and you
I hold on to the last piece of hope
to prevent me from falling
along with the dreams that crumbled
for still here I be
waiting for this longest dream to reach its end
so won't I once again be stumbled - Essni.T